Fiction & Poetry

Water rivers everything I write.

T.R. Poulson

I am a farm girl from American Falls, Idaho.  My first stories and poems were conceived among alfalfa fields and ditch banks.  The Angus cows that grazed those banks were my first audience.  My first fantasies were filled with water.

My life journey took me through Reno, where I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Science and fell in love with Wolf Pack sports. I realized I love fiction more than truth.  Art, more than business.  I chose to make my part-time job at UPS into a career.  I became a full-time driver and moved to the Bay Area in order to be close to the ocean.  I live in San Mateo and windsurf on the Bay.  I deliver packages around Woodside, California. 

I love sharing contemporary and classic poetry with children and teenagers.  Several years ago   I shared “The Happy Game,” by Sean Kelbley with my nieces and nephew.  My youngest niece, age four at the time, loved it.  I asked her if she thought it was a happy poem.  She said, “It’s a sad happy poem.”  She spent the rest of the weekend dictating poem after poem into my device.  

The greatest compliment you could pay me would be to share my poems with the children you love.  I would give most poems on this site G or PG13 ratings.  That said, I know every family has a unique value system.  Only you know what subject matters and language your children are ready to read.  I recommend you read my poems first, and decide if the poems are something you want to share with your children.  

Read - The Happy Game

On my breaks, I write drafts of poems on the backs of load diagrams.  Why load diagrams?  Because overtime pays for my writing habit.  Because new load diagrams are printed every morning for our loaders.  Because I love the redwood trees, the fog, and glimpses of the ocean from my route.  The characters in my stories and poems are formed by all of this and more.

Publication credits:  Best New Poets, Gulf Coast, Booth, San Diego Poetry Annual, Aethlon: the Journal of Sports Literature, Rattle, ONE ART, Mezzo Cammin, Solstice, Jabberwock Review, West Trestle Review, Trajectory, Red Eft Review, Verdad, J Journal, Main Street Rag, The Meadow, Blue Unicorn, Gyroscope, and New Verse News.